Appellate Advocacy
An appellate outcome is equally important to a trial or lower court outcome. Appeals often have precedent setting significance with impact far beyond a single matter. Success at the appellate level requires different skills than those applied at trial. It is important to understand the appellate bench and the perfection of the record.
Our appellate lawyers’ analytical, writing, and oral advocacy skills are honed for success on appeal. Our lawyers have served as judicial law clerks to trial and appellate court judges, providing insight into the working of the priorities and decision-making of the bench.
In addition to working as a cogent team with our practice groups, our Appellate Practice Group often parachutes into matters handled by separate trial counsel. We are regularly sought in this regard to serve as appellate monitoring counsel during trial. Clients also engage us to write amicus curiae briefs, and to work with other trial counsel to ensure that litigated matters are properly postured for appeal.
If you need legal advice or assistance from international appellate lawyers, our team of professional lawyers at Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady, LLP can help you file an appeal. To schedule a consultation, you may contact us here.

Right now, more than half the states and the federal government have some version of a False Claims Act that is applied to the construction industry.

Scott Orenstein (203) 640-8825 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DISPUTE PRACTICE GROUP During a construction project, many different types of disputes may arise between the parties.

Court Expands Exposure Under Additional Insured Endorsement
Claimant was injured while using a third-floor elevator while working for Bed Bath & Beyond. The claimant commenced an action against the owner for his personal injuries.

Claim Notes Are Discoverable in Dispute Over Additional Insured Coverage
In a discovery dispute between two insurers, the Eastern District ruled that a party seeking additional insured coverage may, in fact, seek disclosure of claim notes if the notes “likely” include discussion as to why coverage was denied, why the contract does not provide for coverage and why the...