Construction Law & Litigation

A Recent Supreme Court Decision Dramatically Affects Subcontractors’ Rights
In Girolametti v. Michael Horton Assocs., Inc., the Supreme Court determined when a subcontractor’s rights will be affected by an arbitration in which the subcontractor did not participate. Girolametti v. Michael Horton Assocs., Inc., 332 Conn. 67, 71 (2019).
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Most Construction Disputes Do Not Involve Unfair Trade Practices
Generally speaking, the legal profession is not currently held in high esteem. In my opinion, there are a couple of reasons for this situation. First, I believe that the general public does not fully understand the adversarial process used in our legal system or the reasons why lawyers are allowed to “argue in the alternative,” which, in normal parlance, would negatively be referred to as talking out of both sides of your mouth.
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